John Michael Bradford with his new Inderbinen trumpet

Описание к видео John Michael Bradford with his new Inderbinen trumpet

John Michael Bradford, nuova star della tromba a 18 anni

JazzAscona è fiero di presentare, in una delle sue primissime apparizioni in Europa, il trombettista 18enne John Michael Bradford. In lui sono in molti a vedere una futura stella del jazz nonché uno dei giovani musicisti di maggior talento di New Orleans. Nato nel luglio 1996, John Michael si è avvicinato alla musica ai tempi dell’uragano Katrina, quando, evacuato fuori città assieme alla famiglia, conosce Sam Williams dei Funky Nations. Il ragazzo tornerà a New Orleans determinato a diventare un musicista Jazz -Funk. Ricevuta a nove anni la vecchia tromba del nonno, nell’arco di una settimana inizia a suonare nello stile "Second Line", per poi cominciare a farsi notare come artista di strada. A dieci anni guadagna abbastanza per comprarsi la tromba professionale che suona ancora oggi. Da allora in poi tutto va velocemente. Aiutato da artisti come Donald Harrison, Nicholas Payton, Terence Blanchard, Delfeayo Marsalis, il ragazzo impara velocemente e si fa un nome vincendo il concorso Seeking Satchmo Trumpet per due anni consecutivi, suonando alla Carnegie Hall con la Preservation Hall Jazz Band, andando in tour in Giappone con Donald Harrison Jr., esibendosi al New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival, dove quest’anno in particolare è stato protagonista col suo gruppo e come ospite di varie formazioni. A luglio concluderà gli studi liceali presso il New Orleans Center for Creative Arts con in tasca… due borse di studio: per la Julliard Schhol of Arts di New York e per il Berklee College of Music di Boston. Meglio di così…

John Michael Bradford, an 10-year-old rising star of the trumpet

JazzAscona is proud to present the 18-year-old trumpeter John Michael Bradford, at one of his first European shows. He is praised as a future jazz star and is one of the best young talents birthed by New Orleans. Born in July 1996, John Michael started receiving lessons from Big Sam Williams of the Funky Nations when they were evacuated for Katrina. He returned to the Crescent City determined to become a jazz funk musician. At age 9 he was given his grandfather's trumpet and within a week he started playing second line beats and began getting noticed as a street artist. A year later he earned enough to buy himself a professional trumpet, which he still plays today. Nothing can stop him from then on. Supported by artists such as Donald Harrison, Nicholas Payton, Terence Blanchard, and Delfeayo Marsalis, the young talent is a fast learner and earns himself a name by winning the Seeking Satchmo Trumpet competition, two years in a row. He has played at Carnegie Hall with the Preservation Hall Jazz Band, has toured Japan alongside Donald Harrison Jr., and has performed at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival. In July he will graduate from the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts with not one but two scholarships in his pocket: one for the Julliard School of Arts in New York and one for the Berklee College of Music in Boston. World: here he comes...

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