Описание к видео STARSTRUCK VAGABOND | A 60 Second Review

A review copy for this game was provided by the publisher, Second Wind.

Actually found another companion while I was playing during the editing process!

Really enjoyed this one, and am very excited to see if it gets updates down the road.

Post-Release Edit: Also, I never mentioned this game was developed by Yahtzee Croshaw (of Zero Punctuation/Jacques McKeown books, now doing Fully Ramblomatic over on Second Wind) due to time constraints, but just so it's said. I've been watching his stuff since I was 12, and following the development of this game from his Dev Diary series, which gives a great insight into just how much work creating games takes, was a delight.

All that to say, it's possible reviewing a game by one of my favorite writers lends itself to some bias. That said, I genuinely enjoyed my time with this game and am going back for more post-video, so I do recommend giving it a go if anything in this video caught your eye.

Captain Conan O'Brien, out.


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