Parashat Va'yetzei 5785 | Yaakov's Spiritual Battle with Lavan

Описание к видео Parashat Va'yetzei 5785 | Yaakov's Spiritual Battle with Lavan

The crafty and manipulative Laban, introduced in this week's Torah portion, is a profound study in the nature of spiritual opposition. His cunning and psychological warfare serve as a testing ground for Yaakov, refining his character and preparing him for his ultimate role as the patriarch of a holy nation. Through Laban’s challenges, Yaakov emerges stronger, demonstrating that truth and holiness can triumph even in the most corrupt environments.

The Torah portion of Va'yetzei (Gen. 28 : 10 - 32 : 3) is read on Shabbat, 7 Kislev 5785 - December 6, 2024
Rabbi Chaim Richman
Jerusalem Lights | Torah for Everyone

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