Low Alcohol HomeBrewing (Liver Friendly Drinking!)

Описание к видео Low Alcohol HomeBrewing (Liver Friendly Drinking!)

Today, we're brewing a low-alcohol beer that will be a little easier on our livers. At 1.3% ABV it isn't quite non-alcoholic beer but it is by far the lowest abv beer I've ever homebrewed.

If you're like me, the more beer you drink, the sooner you get to brew your next batch... which can be a dangerous habit. Why not mix up your homebrew recipes with a low-abv option?

It is a fairly easy recipe, with a cheap grain bill and it tastes pretty good (for a low-abv beer). Try these tips and tricks for homebrewing and see how it goes!

Lallemand Low-ABV Resource download:

Let me know in the comments section for ways that I can improve my homebrewing techniques, or my videos. Genuine feedback is always appreciated!

86% Pilsner
8% Crystal 40
6% Carapils
2oz Cascade 10 min
2 oz Centennial Dry Hop 4 days

Mash 170F for 60 Min, Sparge at 180F, 60 Min boil

Lallemand London English-Style Ale Yeast (Maltotriose-negative), 68F for 14 days

2.4 Volumes of CO2 keg or bottling (with dextrose priming sugar)

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Animated Home Brew: https://animated-home-brewing.creator...

Animated using Adobe Character Animator: https://bit.ly/3fQjQL
And Adobe Creative Cloud Apps: https://bit.ly/3uplpVw
iPad Pro: https://amzn.to/3G0Bebi
Apple Pencil: https://amzn.to/3IeCmtS
Recording with Yeti Nano: https://amzn.to/3Ifn5Je

How to Brew by John Palmer: https://amzn.to/2ZMvl26
How to Brew with Malt Extract: https://amzn.to/31s1Bb6

Home Brewing Starter Kit: https://amzn.to/3IiR8jA
ITC-308 Temperature Controller: https://amzn.to/3Ii1tMn
Heat Mat: https://amzn.to/3Dimhj9
Brewzilla 35l: https://amzn.to/3EhF3Zc
Brewzilla 65l: https://amzn.to/3EgntoE
Brewzilla Neoprene Jacket 35l: https://amzn.to/3danQoJ

#homebrewing #lowalcohol #Brewzilla #lowabv #beerrecipe #homebrew #howtobrew #beginnerbrewer #amateurbrewer #brewzilla #robobrew #ebiab #electricBrewing #electricbrewinabag #howtobrew #homebrew #beer #liverfriendly #lowabvbeer #lowabvhomebrew #nonalcoholicbeer #lallemand #bestlowalcoholbeer #homebrewedbeer #brewityourself #animatedhomebrewing #ahb #drinkbetterbeer

0:00 Intro
0:44 Plan
1:45 Strategy
2:03 Yeast Selection
3:01 Mash Temperature
4:03 Grain Profile
5:04 Alternative Plans
5:29 Brewing
5:57 Hops
6:44 End of Brew
7:09 Tasting
9:09 Future Recipes


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