Sea Glass Collecting | Authentic Sea Glass

Описание к видео Sea Glass Collecting | Authentic Sea Glass

Growing up in coastal Massachusetts I have been collecting sea glass as far back as I can remember.

But I really started collecting, like seriously collecting when I started making jewelry with sea glass back in the early 2,000’s.

3 things I wish I knew then ⬇️
1. The increasing value of sea glass.
Sea glass has more than tripled in value since I started collecting! Combined with the fact that sea glass is a diminishing resource as more glass products shift to plastic and glass dumping areas are replaced with recycling. It’s becoming more popular, more rare to find and thus more valuable.

2. To follow the low tide!
Searching for sea glass at low tide, not only reveals more beach but it leaves the high tide strand visible. This area is a goldmine for finding sea glass and treasures that get stuck here when the tide rolls back out!

3. The rockier the beach the better!
Rocky beaches are the perfect area to find sea glass as the rocks give the sea glass something to hold it back when the tide rolls back out.

If you are a sea glass lover I invite you to follow along here on my seaside journey!

Elevate your outfit with a piece of authentic sea glass jewelry that will help keep the ocean with you all day long!

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