野性的探索 The Exploration of the Wilderness | 吳少剛 Ng Seow Kong | TEDxPetalingStreet

Описание к видео 野性的探索 The Exploration of the Wilderness | 吳少剛 Ng Seow Kong | TEDxPetalingStreet


First Malaysian seasoned marathoner to accomplish all of the world’s major marathons, Ng Seow Kong puts his body and mind to the test under extreme conditions. This motivates him to overcome obstacles in life, have a complete mindset change and eventually, accomplish results that are far beyond his limitations.
#TEDx #TEDxPetalingStreet #TEDx茨廠街 #Momentum2016 #敢動2016 #NgSeowKong #吳少剛


19岁开始赤脚跑步的吴少刚,在2013 年3月成为大马首位完成100个马拉松的跑者。他也是首位完成100英里=160km ;并在印、澳、日、美、韩、英等地完成200km以上赛事的跑者。2008 年,他成为首位完成全球大满贯马拉松赛事 七大洲+北极 的亚洲跑者。除了身为唯一在南、北极跑过马拉松的大马人,他也一共在33个国家66座城市完成71项全马和60项超马赛事。多年来在多种复杂地形、极限天气及高海拔的赛事经验,成就了吴少刚和大马在超马跑界的知名度。

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx


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