1000+ Match Score : Putting Rounds into Enemy Faces

Описание к видео 1000+ Match Score : Putting Rounds into Enemy Faces

Due to fiction or otherwise, many players often believe that the best way to play MWO is to rush forward trusting in your armour to hold as one blasts the enemy at short range, coming out bloodied but victorious.

A more tactical mind would realize that, just like in real life, there are varying playstyles for various roles/builds. Of all these roles, the role of Snipers (and Sniper Assaults) is one that is often misunderstood due to differing perceptions of how the game should be played.

It is understandable that players who die (often from walking into firing lines) and spectate a Sniper Assault in the backline laying down fire gets irritated. To be fair, many players who claim to be sniper mains honestly don’t do enough to justify them taking up the role. We all know a few sniper mains like these eh? 😉

In this match, I showcase and explain the role of Sniper Assaults and what they should be doing and also explain how to counter them. After all, leaving any mech uncontested and able to pump damage out is always a threat, no matter the range.

In short, know the role of Snipers (and Sniper Assaults), learn how to counter them and/or play them properly. Every build has an optimal role so respect that and work with them if teamplay is your thing...

** MechDB Build Link **

Uploaded by BrioS
Twitch: twitch.tv/BrioS

Music : Pusheen's Autumn Cat Nap by Hidehito Ikumo
Link :    • Relax With Pusheen - calming music 10...  


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