Bojjhanga Sutta (Gilana Sutta) - Discourse on illness

Описание к видео Bojjhanga Sutta (Gilana Sutta) - Discourse on illness

There are two kinds of Bojjhanga Sutta's: those that are found in Nikaya's or Collections and the other is the combination of all three into one and also in a verse form found in Maha Paritta.

Three sutta's are found in Samyutta Nikaya (SN 46): In the first sutta the Buddha instructs a very ill Ven. Maha Kassapa on the seven Factors of enlightenment. In the second sutta the Buddha addresses to a very ill Ven Maha Moggallana. In the third sutta, the Buddha who is very ill, asks Ven Maha Cunda to recite for him the seven factors of enlightenment.

Although there are three sutta's they are nearly identical with a difference only in names.

This dhamma talk was given by the late Sayadaw U Silananda after his brain tumor surgery. He continued to lead meditation retreats until his body no longer permits. We the students of Sayadaw, have deep gratitude for his sacrifice in coming here to spread the dhamma in the West.

We plan to add Closed Caption to this talk. If you could help in transcribing it please send us an email at [email protected].

Tathagata Meditation Center


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