Dracula's Daughter

Описание к видео Dracula's Daughter

From the series Silencio
When Elisa started working on Silencio, she found inspiration in particular female characters in films that strongly influenced her. Elisa’s stylised images blurry the aesthetics between pop culture references and the personality of her models whilst playing with the limits between fantasy and reality.

The work questions how society shapes and depicts women’s image in movies. The roles women are typically cast into in film limit the range and possibility of what and who a woman can be.

The characters in Silencio were taken as a starting point, creating a new narrative as they played out an imagined life beyond the edge of the frame. This series of carefully staged photographs of women reveals the female psyche through a female gaze.
It poses questions about inner strength, self-perception, solitude, fragility, and vulnerability which Elisa explores through her cinematic lens.

Video and photography by Elisa Miller

The full photo series is visible here:

Model: Clementine
Location: Abney Park Cemetery, London
Music: "Dracula Yeye" by Doctor Explosion


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