गुड़ के साथ चने खाने से मर्दो को मिलने वाले फ़ायदे सुनकर हैरान रह जाएंगे |Gud Aur Chana Khane Ke Fayde

Описание к видео गुड़ के साथ चने खाने से मर्दो को मिलने वाले फ़ायदे सुनकर हैरान रह जाएंगे |Gud Aur Chana Khane Ke Fayde

ये तो आप जानतें ही होगें कि भूने चने खाने से सेहत को काफी फायदा होता है लेकिन जब इनके साथ गुड़ का भी सेवन किया जाता है तो यह शरीर के लिए और भी फायदेमंद साबित होता हैं। मर्दों के लिए गुड़ और चना खाना काफी फायदेमंद तो होता ही है लेकिन जो महिलाएं सप्ताह में एक बार गुड़ और चना खाती हैं उनमें आयरन की कमी नहीं होती। अक्सर पुरूष बॉडी बनाने के लिए जिम में जाकर कसरत करते हैं ऐसे में उन्हें गुड़ और चने का सेवन जरूर करना चाहिए। इससे मसल्स मजबूत होते हैं और शरीर को अनेक फायदे मिलते हैं।

Blood increases with eating jaggery and gram stamina increases if you start eating jaggery and gram together, then the disease will go away from you, the benefits of eating jaggery and chana together in the cold further increase because it also increases you from cold. If you want to save, let's come to the benefits of eating jaggery and gram together -

1. To make jaggery and chickpeas

A lot of protein is found in jaggery and gram which helps in strengthening the muscles. Men should consume it every day.
2. Jaggery and gram to enhance the face
It contains zinc, which helps in improving the skin. Men should consume it daily, which will increase the brightness of their face and they will also look smarter than before.

3.Anal and gram to reduce obesity

Eating jaggery and gram together increases the body's metabolism which helps in reducing obesity. Many men go to the gym to lose weight and exercise jaggery and gram.

4. Jaggery and gram to remove constipation
Constipation and acidity are the problem due to poor body digestion system. In this way, eat jaggery and gram, it contains fiber that keeps digestive power fine.

5. To make the mind sharp
Eating jaggery and gram together makes the mind sharp. It contains Vitamin-B6 which increases memory.
6. Jaggery and gram to strengthen the teeth

It contains phosphorus which is quite beneficial for teeth. Its use makes teeth strong and does not break quickly.

7. Benefits of eating milk and gram for heart
People who have a heart related problem. Consuming jaggery and gram is very beneficial for them. It contains potassium which prevents heart attack.

8.To strengthen the jug and gram bones

Tell you that jaggery and gram have calcium which strengthens bones. Gout patients benefit greatly from its daily intake.

9. Benefits of kidney and gram in male diseases

A person who eats gram and jaggery always feels young. The body remains strong after removing weakness. Balvira remains strong and strong in the body.

Hemoglobin deficiency in the blood is seen in most women. In such a situation, women are advised to take plenty of iron in their diet, for which gram and jaggery are the best option. Also, there is never a lack of blood in the body.

Video Covers

Chane aur gud khane ke fayde,
Kale chane aur gud ke fayde,
Bhune hue chane aur gud ke fayde,
Gud aur bheege chane khane ke fayde,
Bheege chane aur gud ke fayde,
Gud aur chane ke kya fayde hain,
Gud aur chane,
Gud ke sath chane khane ke fayde

#AtiyaHerbs #exercise #unani #ayurveda #healthtips

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