Marc Friedrich — The Biggest Money Revolution of All Times (BTC Prague 2024 Keynote)

Описание к видео Marc Friedrich — The Biggest Money Revolution of All Times (BTC Prague 2024 Keynote)

Our monetary system is doomed to fail! But you still have time to keep your assets safe with bitcoin.

Our prosperity is at risk and your wealth is under attack from inflation, taxes and questionable political decisions. At the same time, the world seems to have fallen apart and we are seeing a historical accumulation of more and more crises in an increasingly complex world in the form of recession, war, deglobalization, geopolitical tensions, artificial intelligence, ticking demographic bombs, inept politics.

One of the reasons: our monetary system. But there is already a solution for better and fairer money: bitcoin.
BTC Prague 2025:
🗓️ June 19—21
Mark your calendar!


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