
Описание к видео Free-Fall_3

An object is shot up straight upward with an initial speed of 24.5 m/s from a height of 120 m above the floor, as shown right.
(A) Calculate the maximum height hmax that it reaches relative to the initial launch position.
(B) Calculate the average speed savg during the interval t = 0 → 3.5 s.
(C) Calculate the average velocity vavg for the first five (5) seconds.
(D) Calculate the total distance dtotal traveled.
(E) Find the total time ttotal of flight.
(F) What is the object’s velocity v(t) just before it strikes the floor?
(G) What is the object’s average velocity vavg between y(t) = 100 m and y(t) = 40 m relative to the floor?


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