Drive Your Triumph Day 2022: A Drive & Look at the Cars

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Since every day is Drive Your Triumph Day in my world, we decided to take the Bentley on the run organised by the Triumph Sports Owners' Association of New South Wales (TSOA NSW).

The run commenced at 10:30 am on Sunday the 13th of February 2022, and ran from Richmond Air Base, through Kurrajong Heights and up the Putty Rd to the Grey Gums Café where lunch was served, cars admired and a good time had by all!

Drive Your Triumph Day is an international event held on the birthday of Triumph's post-war rescuer, businessman Sir John Black, who was born on the tenth of February 1895. He purchased the remains of the Triumph factory and brand in Coventry after it was largely destroyed by German bombing, remaining as chairman of the company until 1954, in that time bringing to life cars such as the Triumph Roadster, Mayflower and of course the TR2. This run is to celebrate Black's legacy and its result of bringing us all together through our love of the marque.


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