wirecut machine,cutting parameter. machine model no. Dk7745

Описание к видео wirecut machine,cutting parameter. machine model no. Dk7745

Definition of Technology

In modern times, the term technology is sometimes used to describe relatively recently invented devices, such as computers, cellular phones, and cars. Historically, however, technology has been defined much more broadly and includes more primitive machines, devices, and tools, such as hunting spears, the wheel, and the printing press. Technology is the application of systematic knowledge toward the development of a device, machine, or method of making or doing things.

The purpose of technology is to meet a human need or solve a human problem. Technology can help meet many types of human needs, like needs of shelter, food, clothing, and communication. Technology does not originate from the natural world and includes methods or activities that people use to alter their environments. Technology is man-made, and creating tools as technology has been a part of humanity for millions of years.

Early Technological Advances

Humans have been developing technology for a very long time. The ability to design and create tools and devices is considered a definitive aspect of human beings. Many other species behave out of instinct, as is the case of bees building hives and beavers constructing dams. Humans, alternatively, are able to use creative and organizational skills to develop new solutions to problems. Tools are objects generated by humans with the purpose of solving problems. Early humans who invented technology did so with the motivation to have the power to change their environments. When technology was invented, people were able to use technology to meet human needs, wants, and desires.

An example of early technology is fire. There is evidence that humans started using fire in stone hearths approximately 1.5 million years ago. It is thought that, although early humans were scared of the dangers of fire, they understood that fire could help improve their lives. Fire could provide warmth, scare predators away, and be used for cooking food.

One example of early technology is the plow as an agricultural tool. The purpose of the plow is to prepare soil for planting by breaking up soil, burying fragments of leftover crops, and impeding weed growth. The earliest plows were developed about 8000 B.C. in Mesopotamia. Over time, the plow was substantially altered and improved. Innovation of the plow later assisted with clearing of forests in Europe to greatly increase the output of agricultural products, allowing for the sustenance of a greater number of people.

Clocks, as a technology, were created about five thousand to six thousand years ago in order to allow people to organize their time in a more coordinated fashion. Initial clock design used shadows created by the sun to tell time. Mechanical clocks were developed later, in China. Writing is also an important early human technology and was created more than three thousand years ago. Initially, writing served to track commodities. Writing later became a way to share ideas, record history, and disseminate information, among other functions.

Examples of Early Technology Spreading

Once technologies are used successfully, there is a tendency to spread the new method, device, or tool. With some technologies, it is difficult to pinpoint the details of technology adaptation because there are often many iterations or versions of a technology. The spread is also dependent on the characteristics of the technology itself, like how expensive and accessible it is.

The technology of writing, for instance, started in ancient Mesopotamia when accountants used the method to track the flow of goods. As the practice was established, more and more people started using writing to communicate. Soon after this development, as an independent event, people in Egypt started writing in hieroglyphics. These writing methods spread throughout their geographical regions over time. In ancient times, however, not every citizen wrote. Writing was time-consuming and was generally reserved for the upper portion of society.

Egyptian hieroglyphics are an early writing technology.

The spread of more recent technologies can be tracked by data showing when 50 percent of the population owned or used the technology. In the United States in the 1940s, 50 percent of the population had a refrigerator and a telephone, and in the 1990s 50 percent of the population had a dishwasher and a computer. Some of these technologies spread more quickly than others. The time that it takes for a technology to spread can depend on the price of the item, the value it creates for the consumer, and how accessible the item is, among other factors.

The globalization of the earth has increased the speed of the spread of many modern technologies.



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