Building a Skid Steer Land Plane / Land Leveler with CAT Parts

Описание к видео Building a Skid Steer Land Plane / Land Leveler with CAT Parts

Building a $1800 land plane for around $300. Using the attachment starts around 15:00.
New tools include a Milwaukee 8" Metal Cutting Circular Saw & Makita 14" Metal Cutting Chop Saw. I highly recommend these tools!!

Milwaukee Metal Cutting Saw:
Makita Metal Cutting Chop Saw:
The BEST Work Gloves:

Better video of the land plane in action:    • Skid Steer Land Plane Makes This Job ...  

CAT Cutting Edge part No 7D-4508 (paid $150.47 for two blades shipped to my house from You'll also need to order 5/8" plow bolts.
The angle iron is 4x4x1/4"


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