INQAAHE Talks - Towards an International Area for Higher Education

Описание к видео INQAAHE Talks - Towards an International Area for Higher Education

The coming into force of the UNESCO Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education (GRC), currently ratified by 30 countries, is exercising the international education community to think about the possible implications of its wider adoption and implementation. These include the possibility of establishing an international higher education area, in a similar way to which the Lisbon Recognition Convention paved the way for the creation of a European Higher Education Area.

This INQAAHE Talk focused discussion on this scenario, involving key stakeholders who brought different perspectives about the requirements, opportunities, and challenges for the fuller realization of the GRC’s potential, and the eventual establishment of an international higher education area.

We heard the inter-governmental perspective from UNESCO, the international quality assurance perspective from INQAAHE, and the qualification recognition perspective from the ENIC-NARIC network.


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