Mig-29SMT CAS. This Is Great, If You Wanna Kill 4 People.

Описание к видео Mig-29SMT CAS. This Is Great, If You Wanna Kill 4 People.

It is not a bad aircraft for CAS at all. It is as you prob know by now from air people that it is quite fat and loves to lose all its speed and accelerates slower than the previous 29s. It does matter a bit less in ground but what really makes me feel not so hyped up about this aircraft is just how many guided weapons you get. You can either bring Kh-29TDs with 2 Kab-500Krs (TV guided) and after that you are just down to trying to gun people or being anti cas. And since tv guided weapons can just select dead wrecks on their way to the target or as you press the fire button they can also be a bit unreliable. But at least unlike mavericks they do kill very reliably and the 29s are just insane anti sam weapons because you can fire them from 10km away and expect it to hit within a very short period. They are just fast as hell.

Since the 29SMT is counted as a fighter and so is the 27K atm. I would feel that it is not worth draggin yourself up to 12.3 for this thing. Just don't bother unless you wanna try it yourself. I guess running 2 29TDs and S-13s is prob an option you have as well. But compared to the Mirage 2000s and the F-16 it feels very underwhelming in amount of ordnance. I mean even the Tornado gets 4 GBUs + 2 normal bombs.

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Soundmod (Crew Only and currently not used)

First Match BVM 00:00
First Match SMT 02:02
Second Match BVM 04:52
Second Match SMT 06:54
Third Match BVM 09:12
Third Match SMT 11:32


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