Why I Love Xehanort's Conclusion

Описание к видео Why I Love Xehanort's Conclusion

I've been working on this video essay for quite some time, ever since the beginning of Summer 2020 (I really got to stop with this whole "work on a project for 6 months" thing).

I've been hesitant to upload this. This is the first time I'm using my own voice for a video on this channel, but I've also wanted to work on something like this for quite some time. Whether it came to school projects or recording retakes countless times, this project has been delayed again and again.

But I think I'm ready to finally express myself in a new format. The title says it all; Why I Love Xehanort's Conclusion.

I hope you enjoy the video and please remember, as the title already implies, this is all my opinion. Please feel free to comment your thoughts (maturely). For nearly the past 2 years, there have been some disagreements regarding the main antagonist's finale and how it was handled. Here, I'll be giving my thoughts on it and why I personally believe it to be the perfect end for the character.


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