Michael Brown shooting: timeline

Описание к видео Michael Brown shooting: timeline

Tensions remain high in Ferguson, Missouri one week after the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown by a Ferguson police officer.

Brown, who was unarmed, was shot multiple times, sparking outrage from residents of this St. Louis suburb.

Shortly after 11:30 am, Dorian Johnson said he and Brown were walking in the middle of the street when a Ferguson police officer confronted them and told them to use the sidewalk.

The officer then stopped his car only inches away from the pair and tried to open his door, but the door bounced off the pair and closed on the officer.

A struggle ensued and that’s when according to Johnson the officer, 28-year-old Darren Wilson, drew his weapon and and fired the first round, hitting Brown. The two ran off and Wilson continued after them.

Johnson says he next hid behind the first car he saw and witnessed the officer get out of his vehicle, follow Brown and fire at the fleeing teen.

According to Johnson, an injured Brown next got on his knees and put his hands up to indicate he had no weapon. The officer continued shooting at Brown several times.

Ferguson police offer a different account. At a news conference Friday, Police released these images of Brown claiming he was involved in a strong arm robbery, stealing cigarellos from the nearby Ferguson Market around 15 minutes before the shooting.

Police say Wilson initially stopped the pair for jaywalking and was unaware Brown was a robbery suspect. It wasn’t until Wilson saw the stolen items in Brown’s hand, that he backed up to question the men further.

Police said Brown physically assaulted Wilson, and during the struggle reached for the officer's gun. One shot was fired in the car, followed by several more which led to Brown’s death.

Authorities have yet to offer any explanations as to how Brown’s body wound up approximately 35 feet away from where the altercation took place.

An independent autopsy contracted by Brown’s family revealed he was shot at least six times.


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