How to use a Shoe Horn

Описание к видео How to use a Shoe Horn

Learn the different types of shoe horns and how to use a shoe horn

Browse our entire selection of shoe horns here:

Also, read our in-depth blog post on the necessity of shoe horns for your favorite pairs of shoes:

Short Shoe Horns: Sit down and rest your short shoe horn in the heel area of the shoe. Place your heel on top and slide your foot/heel on top of the shoe horn. Remove the shoe horn when your foot is fully end the shoe.

Long Shoe Horns: Standing up and rest your long shoe horn in the heel area of the shoe. Place your heel on top and slide your foot/heel on the shoe horn. Remove the shoe horn when your foot is fully end the shoe.

CAUTION: Long Shoe will need extra attention when using. Long shoe horn must not be angle and must be used straight up(close to a 90 degree from the shoe). Fail to use it properly may damage or break the shoe horn.

Each shoe horn come in different materials like metal, plastic, bone, ivory, shell, and wood.

Short Shoe Horns:
Long Shoe Horns:
Specialty Shoe Horns:

Shoe Horn Tip: Long shoe horns will help anyone that lack flexibility and have back problems.

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