Product video - sFAB-a

Описание к видео Product video - sFAB-a

Our knowledgeable sales staff will provide demonstrations of our equipment, units, and useful functions.

Surface mount technology continues to grow as the most popular method for assembling electronic parts, and the quantity of discrete parts used has reduced year by year. However, discrete parts do continue to be used together with surface mount devices—mostly in consumer electrical appliances and automotive related products. It is believed that this situation will remain the same going forward.
On the other hand, there are many manufacturers who are hesitant to replace aging machinery because the ratio of insertion parts being used has dropped in comparison to what it once was and it is hard to maintain operation rates for older model insertion machines.

While sFAB-alpha makes a good addition to increase capability for mass production, as a combined insertion machine it also makes a good replacement for aging dedicated insertion equipment.

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