15 Interesting Psychological Facts About Attraction | world facts | factology facts

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15 Interesting Psychological Facts About Attraction | world facts | factology facts


15 Interesting Psychological Facts About Attraction

BRAINY DOSE756,730 views8 Jul 2019

Why are we attracted to certain people? Here are some interesting psychological facts about attraction that may just answer that question! Attracting partners plays a very significant role in life in order to keep propagating our species. And even though most people have “types” or distinct preferences when searching for a partner, there’s always something more happening below the surface. Science has provided us with some surprising facts about attraction that subconsciously dictate our feelings and decisions. Understanding the psychology of human attraction will not only help us progress in our relationships, but it also helps us understand how we feel and process our thoughts as individuals. This educational video highlights some of the most intriguing psychological secrets of attraction!

sexual attraction, science of attraction, signs of attraction, Attraction
factology psychology facts
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