SANYO RP 5130 Transistor Radio Refurbished with apologies*

Описание к видео SANYO RP 5130 Transistor Radio Refurbished with apologies*

Picked up in an antique store, a cute little Sanyo tranny from 1975. Seems to work OK, just a clean up and... uh-oh, what happened?
*I wasn't going to show this video, I had focus issues at the start and it's not very interesting but with our cruise cancelled I was rushing to get the next radio restore uploaded but didn't make it in time, i.e. the subject radio is still in tiny bits 🤦‍♂️

Check out Carl's Capacitors eBay store home of the all black capacitors and other vintage supplies. Once you've tried black you can't go back:

Music: -


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