Google Earth Engine 9: Explaining All Classifiers

Описание к видео Google Earth Engine 9: Explaining All Classifiers

We already saw how to approach classifications in the previous video, but there are many algorithms to choose from when classifying your image. Each of these classifiers approach classification in another way so when you need to select the best one, you want understand how they work in order to choose the algorithm that is suited for your data. In this video I show you the concepts behind all the algorithms you can choose from in the Google Earth Engine.

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Previous video:    • Google Earth Engine 8: Introduction t...   (Classification Introduction)
Next video:    • Google Earth Engine 10: Clustering an...   (Clustering and Explaining All Clusterers)
GEE docs:

Because the video is already long enough, more in-depth resources can be found here:
CART:    • (ML 2.1) Classification trees (CART)  
MaxEnt:    • Maximum Entropy Tutorial: Intro To Ma...  
Naive Bayes:    • Naive Bayes classifier: A friendly ap...  
Random Forest:    • StatQuest: Random Forests Part 1 - Bu...  
SVM:    • Support Vector Machines Part 1 (of 3)...  


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