How Does WATA Grade Sealed Games? - WATA Modern Grading Guide!

Описание к видео How Does WATA Grade Sealed Games? - WATA Modern Grading Guide!

Never graded a game before? Not sure what to look at for modern grading with WATA games? What makes a 9.0 vs a 9.4? This video will be a complete guide for you to get a great understanding of what WATA is looking for on your factory sealed games when you send them in for video game grading.

I hope this helps you out! Don't take everything presented in this video as "sure thing" fact as there is always going to be variance and the discretion of the person grading at any given time. Ideally this lets you know what kind of damage to look for and an idea of what you might expect.

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Video game collecting and investing YouTube with emphasis on vintage video games. Grading VGA and WATA retro collector. Gaming with consideration on rarest games ever or most expensive games. Talking about N64, NES, Super Nintendo, DS, 3DS, Sega Mario and More!


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