Mach3 PDB Manual Tool Change Macro Update!

Описание к видео Mach3 PDB Manual Tool Change Macro Update!

The PDB is complete along with a Updated Tool Change macro for Mach3 That prompts me to change the tool and gives a tool description.
The dialog box allows me plenty of time to change the tool.
The program is paused until the user selects " OK".
Cycle start restarts the program back at the original location and offsets the new tool. This is the best way I could come up with to manually change the tool using a PDB without being Automatic.
It seems to work great. The M6 Macro is below .Copy and paste in the Mach3/Macro/M6macro.m1s I left the original lines in but put a semicolon in front of the line to skip it you may remove them or leave them.Thanks For watching, Please Subscribe!
It seems to work great. If anyone's interested in the M6 Macro Copy and Paste the one below and leave a comment. Thanks For watching, Please Subscribe!
Here is the latest video that answers some of the more frequent questions:    • Mach3 Manual Tool Change Macro Made Easy  
Other video's related to the tool change macro.
It has been over a year since I posted my Mach3 Tool change macro and every week I get a Email asking about some aspect of the Macro. So I thought I would do another video and let everyone know I have uploaded the Tool change macro, Instructions and the Tool in spindle screen set to a Dropbox for easy download.
In this video I show you where to place the files, I go through the Macro itself, and demonstrate how it works.
I hope this helps those looking for the Tool in spindle DRO.
Please Remember there is NO tool ZERO start all operations with a tool # on the programs tab in the tool DRO (Not a ZERO. ) A 0 may cause soft limit errors or a Z crash if a tool is inserted.
You must populate your Tool Table for tool offsets.
Always start with a physically empty Spindle to prevent issues.
Thank you for watching Please subscribe, Thumbs up if you enjoy the video.

If there are any questions please comment also comment if you have tried or use the macro.
Here are the links to the previous Tool change Macro video's.

Mach3 PDB Manual Tool Change Macro Update!
   • Mach3  PDB Manual Tool Change Macro U...  

Mach3 PDB Manual Tool Change simplified!
   • Mach3 PDB Manual Tool Change simplified!  

download the files for the screen set,Tool change macro and instructions here.

Or copy and paste the

'Tool Change Macro For Manual tool change 09/14 CNC4XR7
OldTool = GetOEMDRO (1224) 'Tool In spindle DRO You must add this to your settings screen
'x = GetToolChangeStart( 0 ) ' Get x tool change start position
'y = GetToolChangeStart( 1 ) ' Get y tool change start position
'z = GetToolChangeStart( 2 ) ' Get z tool change start position
Code "G53 G0 Z-2.0" ' Move z to tool change position in Machine cord.
While IsMoving ' wait for z to move
tool = GetSelectedTool() ' tool to be changed to
NewTool = tool
Call SetUserDRO (1224,NewTool)
SetCurrentTool( NewTool ) ' input new tool into tool in spindle dro
Code "G43 H" & tool ' Call tool offsets for new tool
' Verify Tool Change Complete
Dim Msg, Style, Title, Help, Ctxt, Response,MyString
Msg = "Please Insert Tool Number " & " ( " & GetSelectedTool() & " ) " & " " & GetToolDesc(NewTool) ' Define message
Style = vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton2 ' Define buttons
Style = 0 + 48 + 0 ' Define buttons.
Title = "Tool Change Requested" ' Define title
Help = "DEMO.HLP" ' Define Help file
Ctxt = 1000 ' Define topic
' Display message.
Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title, Help, Ctxt)
If Response = vbOk Then ' User chose Ok
MyString = "Ok" ' Perform some action
End If
Message "Tool # " & GetCurrentTool() & " : " & GetToolDesc(GetCurrentTool()) & " Installed " & " Returning to Tool Change Start Position"
'Code "G00 X" & x & "Y" & y & "Z" & z 'Move back to where the tool change was prompted
Code "G00 Z .25" 'Move Z back to .25" above zero in work cord.
While IsMoving
End Visit the website at


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