Pre-Competitive Women Top 12 Classical Winners - YAGP 25th Anniversary New York Finals

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Enjoy the Top 12 Classical Winners (alphabetically) in the Pre-Competitive Women's Age Division from the Youth America Grand Prix 25th Anniversary Finals.

0:02 Evelyn Allen, Elite Classical Coaching (Mexico)
0:10 Lydia Bachman, Independent (USA)
0:17 Tsai-Ching Chang, Zhongli Youth Ballet (CHINA)
0:24 Sarang Yang, Maeen Ballet (SOUTH KOREA)
0:30 Sheravine John, Marlupi Dance Academy (INDONESIA)
0:36 Ruka Kobashikawa, Kazue Itoo Ballet Studio (JAPAN)
0:42 Ni Luh Putu Aneira Mirahani, Marlupi Dance Academy (INDONESIA)
0:48 Jian Noh, Jung's Ballet Academy (SOUTH KOREA)
0:55 Natsuki Sugimoto, Ohara Yoshimi Ballet Studio (JAPAN)
1:02 Anne Takahashi, Flora Ballet (JAPAN)
1:08 Hana Terada, Yarita Yu Ballet Studio (JAPAN)
1:14 Yuna Yamada, Kinue Kobayashi Ballet School (JAPAN)

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