Simon Apologizes to 16-year-old Jodi Bird | Britain's Got Talent

Описание к видео Simon Apologizes to 16-year-old Jodi Bird | Britain's Got Talent

16-year-old Jodi Bird was just getting started as Simon paused her audition. After getting backlash from the other judges and the audience, Simon lets Jodi proceed with her song choice and gets him to change his mind!

Best Performances | Britain's Got Talent 👇👇
   • Best Performances | Britain's Got Talent  

Are you ready for the ultimate talent showcase? Simon Cowell teams up with Alesha Dixon, Amanda Holden, and David Walliams to uncover extraordinary performers. With Anthony McPartlin and Declan Donnelly hosting, expect thrilling and unforgettable moments that will leave you mesmerized!

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Simon Cowell
Amanda Holden
Alesha Dixon
David Walliams


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