Effective Systems Management - Is it possible? - John DeTroye

Описание к видео Effective Systems Management - Is it possible? - John DeTroye

This session will help IT folks understand that there are many methods for imaging, deploying, and managing Macs and other devices; but one plan for everything isn't always the best way to approach the situation. When you have to deal with 1:1′s, BYOD's, labs, carts, and that new batch of HW that Apple released a month after you locked down your image, having a flexible plan to handle those contingencies is a much more efficient idea. Learn how you can create workflows and deployment plans that reinforce your ability to maintain a stable, and sane, computing environment that benefits everyone. See how Filewave fits into your systems management plan and helps you image, deploy, manage, and maintain your infrastructure.

Slides can be found at http://macadmins.psu.edu/conference/r...


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