LEAN Agile Leadership. Core Competency of

Описание к видео LEAN Agile Leadership. Core Competency of

There are a lot of moving parts in a large organization, and the decision to move into #agile makes coordination and #leadership a very important element of #agile success.

In this video, Nader Talai walks us through the core competency of Lean #agileleadership in #SAFe or #scaledagileframework

About Value Glide

If you’re thinking of adopting #agile for your #productdevelopment and #projectmanagement needs, consider #SAFe aka #scaledagileframework. One of the most popular scaling frameworks for #agile in the world. Connect with Nader Talai on LinkedIn at   / nadertalai  

Value Glide are #SAFe experts who specialize in training, coaching, and consulting. Visit https://www.valueglide.com/ for a complete overview of who we are and what we do.

Visit https://www.valueglide.com/training for insights and information into our #agile training.

Visit https://www.valueglide.com/thriving-i... if you are considering options on your digital transformation and want to understand how all the dots connect.

Visit https://www.valueglide.com/agile-coac... for more information on our #agilecoach services, from team level interventions to enterprise executive agile coaching engagements.

Visit https://www.valueglide.com/register-f... for more information on our #SAFe Quickstart ART Launch program, a short-term engagement that gets you started with #agile and helps you identify the most valuable interventions to achieve your goals and objectives.

#SAFe #scaledagileframework #agile #scrum #agilecoach #digitaltransformation #agiletransformation #agileprojectmanagement #agileproductdevelopment #scalingagile


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