MADE in Egypt - Young entrepreneurs pushing forward local manufacturing across Egypt

Описание к видео MADE in Egypt - Young entrepreneurs pushing forward local manufacturing across Egypt

In November 2022, we kicked off the Manufacturing Advancement and Development in Egypt (MADE) Program with a nationwide idea competition. 22 teams of young entrepreneurs from all over Egypt participated in the competition, which took place at the Startup Haus Cairo, our hub in North Africa.

With their ideas that they've been developing throughout their studies in university, they competed in presenting clean energy manufacturing solutions that ranged from intelligent energy efficiency systems to solar and wind power integrations. A jury of business and manufacturing experts selected 8 teams with the top ideas to level up to the second phase of the program: 3 months of pre-incubation.

During this phase, the participants receive comprehensive training on product design and prototyping as well as workshops on team building and business development. They also have free access to makerspaces and workstations to be able to develop and prototype their ideas.

What’s next?

By the end of this phase, 3 teams out of the eight will be selected to join an all-inclusive 6-months incubator. Each team will receive a monthly support package, dedicated mentoring, tailored training, and technical resources to develop a minimum viable product (MVP), along with access to our global network of entrepreneurs, mentors and experts that goes across six different regions in the world.

MADE Program was developed by enpact and implemented with GIZ Egypt.

For more information and to apply to take part in the program:

Media production by @hexformedia (on Facebook)
Media production by (on Instagram)


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