Carlo Gavazzi Current Monitors

Описание к видео Carlo Gavazzi Current Monitors

Carlo Gavazzi, your source for innovative Sensors, Switches and Controls.
Monitoring relays provide valuable protection for your machinery, alerting you of problems before they result in down time.
Carlo Gavazzi has a comprehensive range of CURRENT monitoring devices.
They can monitor both AC and DC amperage, and alert you if a motor or load is drawing too much current ….or not enough.
Our DIA01 and DIB71 offer adjustable set points and time delays. They accept direct input of up to 5 amps, which eliminate the need for external current sensors.
Our DIA53 and DIB01 feature integrated sensing ‘through-holes’, which simplify wiring. They can detect up to 100 amps without an external sensing device. The DIA53 is also self-powered, when the current is above the set point, a transistor output is activated.
These devices save both time and money!
Our E83 and A82 current sensors are very compact. They can measure up to 500 amps and provide a 4 to 20 mA output, which is proportional to the amperage being monitored.
Our solid and split core current transformers are ideal sensing devices to monitor hundreds of amps, and provide a proportional output of zero to one or five amps.
Our Rogowski coils are useful for sensing amperages up to 4,000 amps.
Carlo Gavazzi has many other Monitoring Controls, such as:
Three-phase monitoring relays
Voltage and Frequency monitoring relays
Motor thermistor relays
And Earth leakage monitors
For more information on these innovative products, please visit
If in the United States, please call 847.465.6100 or email [email protected]
If in Canada, please call 888.575.2275 or email [email protected]
If in Mexico, please call 52.55.5373.7042 or email [email protected]
If in Brazil, please call 55.11.3052.0832 or email: [email protected]


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