Red vs. Blue Song #7 'Hallelujah' (Feat. Matt Hullum)

Описание к видео Red vs. Blue Song #7 'Hallelujah' (Feat. Matt Hullum)

Continuing the awesome RvB Song spree I wanted to make something a little different.

This song was sung and played by Matt Hullum from Rooster Teeth Productions at the Extra Life Livestream. This is a Red vs. Blue version that I thought would be a cool idea, with complete respect towards Extra Life and the kids they have helped dearly. Also the song is called Hallelujah by the Artist Leonard Cohen who sadly passed away a couple weeks ago, so this video is also for the remembrance of Mr. Cohen.

Last but not least this was made likewise for the game franchise Halo reaching its 15th Year Anniversary. So without further a do... Let it rip Matt!

Link to Matt in the Extra Life Livestream:    • Matt Hullum Sings "Hallelujah" and Ca...  

Animation made by GH NaTHaN:    / guitarherogaminglege  

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