Elon Musk on Motor Power to Weight Ratio

Описание к видео Elon Musk on Motor Power to Weight Ratio

Elon Musk discusses power-to-weight ratio and the electric motor.

Elon Musk: "If power-to-weight ratio is of interest to you, rocket turbopumps really take the cake. You know the turbopump on the mirialan
engine generates 10 000 horsepower and weighs 150 pounds. You know, fuel effeciency is a seperate question... But power-to-weight
is, I mean it's at the ragged edge of pulling those molecules apart. It's kind of amazing that like you can get 10 000 horsepower
on this thing you can basically pick up. But for electric motors, if you have a porperly designed electric motor, AC induction
motor, getting a high power-to-weight ratio and a really great response rate, like low latency and all that, extremely low ripple
current and what-not, it just kinda comes naturaly to an AC induction motor."

See full video here:
   • Elon Musk at the MIT AeroAstro Centen...  


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