The Ultimate guide to breed Colour Widow tetra’s || how to breed widow tetra fish step by step

Описание к видео The Ultimate guide to breed Colour Widow tetra’s || how to breed widow tetra fish step by step

This video shows you in detail on how to breed widow tetra fish. This is the complete guide to breed widow tetra fish .

Step 1: separate the male and females from the community tank /aquarium
Male are smaller and thinner if looked from above compared to the females the females are mostly bigger in size compared to the mape and much fatterand thickerif looked from above.

Step 2: After separatingmale and the femalekeep them in separate tanks for 7 to 10 day’s . Whilethey are kept separately they have to be fed high quality fis pellets which are high in protein . So the fertility rate of the eggs hatching increases . Note: better to keep and groom the females in tha tank you will be breeding them . After 7 to 10 days it is now time to introduce the male into the breeding tank with the females .

Step:3 Add the males to the breeding tank at night . Next morning switch on room lights do not switch on the aquarium light room light only and make sure its dim not bright cause , widow tetras do not breed in bright lights they perfer dim lighting which stimulates early morning sunrise that is when they breed in the wild . They should start breeding afterfew minutesof the room lights turning on . Spawningwill rake about 1 to 2 hrs depending on how many male and females you have added .

Step:4 once eggshave been layed remove the males and females from the breeding tank. Once the males and females have been removed from the tank now reduce water level to 5 to 6 inches after reducing water level add or air pipe, not a air stone, a stone will cause major flow in the water. Add an air stone 3 inches from water surface into the tank on slow mode. This will create minimum flow in the tank. Preventing eggs to catch and develop fungus. Eggs will then hatch in about 24 hours and will only be able to free swim after three days once they are free swimming on the third day, they will feed on microorganisms available in the water known as paramecium and infusoria The tetra babies will now feed on this microorganism for 10 to 15 days after 10 to 15 days. They are big enough to feed on powdered fish, food or brine shrimp.

Note : No fish was harmed in this video / For knowledge and information purposes only .

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Song: Keys Of Moon - Illusions
License: Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0)
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Song: Keys Of Moon - The Epic Hero
License: Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0)
Music powered by BreakingCopyright: https://breakingcopyright.coml


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