“Peacemaker” music video

Описание к видео “Peacemaker” music video

I am so proud to share my new song, “Peacemaker”.

It is inspired by The Great Peacemaker of Iroquois legend, who with the help of Hiawatha famously brought the Iroquois Nations together into one. He sang a song of peace, he spoke of a law of peace. He performed great and daring acts to prove his pure intentions to the skeptical.  

(Please read the full history in much greater detail through the link in my insta bio)

I was so taken by his efforts that I wanted to write a song about them, in the form of a letter written directly to him..  the one known as Deganawida or Tekanawí:ta (in special circumstances)

I hope that it inspires others to talk about peace, to fight for peace… to approach peer and stranger alike with calm and understanding… to look for the peacemakers in their own communities, and to support them and shed light on their efforts. These are such ugly and unpredictable times in this country.. and there is no immediate answer or solution. But I have always liked to think that huge battles are won in tiny interactions between people who care enough to listen.

I hope you enjoy this new song.  And please do check out the link in my bio to read more about this in much greater detail.  It is my intention to share this story with the greatest respect and accuracy, and to be corrected or guided by any voices more educated or connected than my own.

Thank you to @kimalange (Kim Lange) for filming such a beautiful and moving video of this song

Thank you to @craigmeyersteakhouse for always believing in me and for working on this beautiful song with me.

#peace #peacemaker #unity #empathy #awayforward #election #2024 #singer #songwriter


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