ADHD, Pregnancy, and Motherhood: A Practical Guide for Hopeful Parents (with Allison Baker, M.D.)

Описание к видео ADHD, Pregnancy, and Motherhood: A Practical Guide for Hopeful Parents (with Allison Baker, M.D.)

In this hour-long ADDitude webinar, Allison Baker, M.D., shares the latest research on ADHD medication use during pregnancy. She also talks about how hormones and ADHD symptoms change over the course of pregnancy, including postpartum, and the implications for both clinicians and patients.

#adhd #adhdinwomen #pregnancy #postpartum

This ADHD Experts webinar was originally broadcast on May 11, 2023.

Download the slides associated with this webinar here:

10:24 ADHD in Reproductive Age Women
15:59 how safe is use of ADHD meds during pregnancy?
22:00 reproductive safety data
22:48 conclusions from research - none of the meds are major human teratogens
26:28 use of ADHD medications across pregnancy
29:32 clinical implications of study
30:43 transition to motherhood
35:30 studies of mothers with ADHD
37:10 ADHD in acute postpartum
38:52 evaluate each case carefully, do a risk/ risk analysis
39:53 hormones and ADHD
44:18 script to use to talk to doc about meds while pregnant
47:26 thinking through mitigating risks
51:07 Q&A

Related Resources
1. Download: Your Guide to Hormones & ADHD in Women

2. Read: Treating for Two: ADHD Meds in Pregnancy

3. Read: Prenatal and Early Life Risk Factors of ADHD

4. eBook: How Hormones, Symptoms & Late Diagnoses Impact Females

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