2.4 BQ. Is Crusoe a Colonialist? Justify

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Is Robinson Crusoe a Colonialist?

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"Robinson Crusoe" is a novel written by Daniel Defoe and first published in 1719. The story follows the adventures of Robinson Crusoe, a sailor who is shipwrecked on a remote island and must learn to survive on his own. The novel has been interpreted in a variety of ways over the years, with some critics viewing it as a reflection of colonialist attitudes.

During the time period in which "Robinson Crusoe" was written, European countries were expanding their empires through colonialism. This involved the acquisition and exploitation of colonies in other parts of the world. Many Europeans believed that it was their duty to "civilize" non-European cultures and bring them under European control. This mentality is reflected in the character of Robinson Crusoe and his actions on the island.

One aspect of the novel that can be interpreted as colonialist is Crusoe's imposition of European values on the island. He builds himself a home, cultivates crops, and domesticates animals, essentially recreating a European-style life on the island. Crusoe also begins to see himself as the ruler of the island and takes on a paternalistic attitude toward the indigenous people he encounters.

Another colonialist aspect of the novel is Crusoe's exploitation of the natural resources on the island. He takes whatever he needs from the land and animals without regard for the long-term consequences. This reflects the mentality of European colonizers who exploited the resources of their colonies without concern for the well-being of the local people or the environment.

The portrayal of the indigenous people in the novel can also be seen as colonialist. Crusoe views the people he encounters as primitive and in need of "civilizing." He teaches them European ways of living and eventually becomes their leader. This reflects the colonialist mentality that non-European cultures were inferior and needed European influence to become "civilized."

Overall, "Robinson Crusoe" can be interpreted as reflecting colonialist attitudes prevalent in the time period in which it was written. The novel portrays Crusoe as imposing European values on the island, exploiting natural resources, and viewing the indigenous people as inferior and in need of European influence. While the novel does not explicitly promote or condemn colonialism, it reflects the mindset of the time in which it was written.


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