Ron Ellis Pickup vs Moollon Pickup Test! by full gain

Описание к видео Ron Ellis Pickup vs Moollon Pickup Test! by full gain

안녕하세요 풀게인입니다 ! 최근에 펜더 88년도 코로나 62리이슈에 픽업을 물론59 픽업으로 교체해서 사용하다가 그전에 관심이 있었지만 가격때문에 구입하기 망설였던 론엘리스 50/60 픽업을 큰마음먹고
구매해서 교체후 두픽업을 번갈아가면서 간단하게 테스트 해봤습니다.
두픽업다 각자 매력과 장점이 있는것같습니다만 저는 론엘리스가 좀더 마음에 드네요!
여러분들의 생각은 어떠신가요?


Hello, this is Fullgain! Recently, I replaced the pickups on a Fender 1988 Corona 62 reissue with moolln59 pickups, and decided to buy the Ron Ellis 50/60 pickups, which I had been interested in before but hesitated to buy due to the price.
After purchasing and replacing it, I briefly tested the two pickups in turns.
Both pickups seem to have their own charms and advantages, but I like the Ron Ellis more!
What do you guys think?

#fender #guitar #music #bluse #기타 #픽업 #moollon #ronellis


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