New Police Story | 新警察故事 | Trailer 1 | HD

Описание к видео New Police Story | 新警察故事 | Trailer 1 | HD

New Police Story (2004) | Director: Benny CHAN | Starring: Jackie CHAN, Nicholas TSE, Charlie YOUNG, Charlene CHOI

SYNOPSIS | Senior Inspector Wing is the most decorated and respected officer in the police force. A legend in his time, he leads a team of the brightest young detectives and no case is too tough for him to solve. Until he meets a gang of callous thieves and self-styled urban terrorists headed by Joe, and Frank, who pretends to be a young police officer.

新警察故事 (2004) | 導演:陳木勝 | 領銜主演:成龍、謝霆鋒、楊采妮、蔡卓妍

故事大綱 | 榮是警隊中的傳奇,幾乎包辦警區內所有大案,破案率達百份百。直至有一天,榮遇上以阿祖為首的犯罪五人組,他們荷槍實彈,公然挑戰警方,令榮的手下全部殉職 – 隨後阿鋒出現,令榮重新振作。


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