FRM Course Full Details In Hindi | FRM Salary In India and USA | FRM Vs CFA | FRM Exam Preparation

Описание к видео FRM Course Full Details In Hindi | FRM Salary In India and USA | FRM Vs CFA | FRM Exam Preparation

This video explains about frm course full details in Hindi. Every Expect of FRM course in India offered by GARP, USA. You'll know how much is the frm salary in India and USA. Which companies are hiring frm. About frm Job profile and career growth after frm.

FRM stands for financial risk manager. There are two frm exam FRM part 1 and frm part 2. We'll also discuss about how to prepare for the frm exam. Complete frm preparation guide line and frm syllabus.

We'll start with what is frm program introduction and how much valuable it is? What is the scope for frm course.

Later we'll understand about career after frm and frm salary in India. It is the right career in commerce or the right career in finance.

We'll also learn about how to prepare for the frm exam and what is frm fee. Then finally we'll compare frm vs CFA and cfa vs frm.

Also, we'll discuss about frm training in india. Is self-study better or joining a frm coaching is better for frm part 1 or frm part 2 exam.

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Pravin Khetan

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