婺源之美在篁岭 不去篁岭算是白来婺源

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Wuyuan is a county in the northeast of Jiangxi Province, China, located in Shangrao City. Wuyuan is known for its stunning natural scenery and rich historical and cultural heritage, and is known as "the most beautiful countryside in China".


Wuyuan has a subtropical climate, with mild temperatures and abundant rainfall. The terrain is mostly mountainous, hilly and basin-shaped, with high forest coverage. Wuyuan has four distinct seasons, each with its own特色。In spring, rape flowers bloom in full bloom, golden all over the mountains and fields; in summer, streams flow and trees are lush; in autumn, red leaves are like fire, colorful; in winter, snow is covered in silver.

History and Culture

Wuyuan has a long history and culture, and is one of the six counties under the jurisdiction of the ancient Huizhou Prefecture. There are many well-preserved ancient villages, ancient buildings and historical sites in the境内,具有很高的历史文化价值。

Major Tourist Attractions

The main tourist attractions in Wuyuan include:

Jiangling Terraces: One of the most famous scenic spots in Wuyuan, known as "the most beautiful terraces in China". *篁岭晒秋: Wuyuan's unique autumn scenery,篁岭晒秋景区是最佳观赏地。
Rainbow Bridge: A famous bridge in the ancient city of Wuyuan, built in the Qing Dynasty, is one of the landmark buildings in Wuyuan.
Qinghua Porcelain: Traditional handicraft in Wuyuan, with a long history and享誉海内外。


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