UPTU LEET 2020 Preparations tips!:Talk With Topper UPTU LEET, AIR 12 securer |OVERALL TOPPER OF GCC

Описание к видео UPTU LEET 2020 Preparations tips!:Talk With Topper UPTU LEET, AIR 12 securer |OVERALL TOPPER OF GCC

UPTU LEET 2019: Talk WIth Topper Sparsh Srivastava UPTU LEET ,AIR 12 and MMM LEET 54 RANK | GCC LEET Institute Watch the exclusive Talk with Topper , Sparsh GCC Student who secured All India Rank-11 in UPTU LEET 2019& RANK 8 in IPU LEET. Sparsh shares his study schedule and talks about his years of preparation at GCC.He also explain paper pattern/syallbus and original questions paper Specially IPU LEET ,UPTU LEET, MMUT LEET, 2019.He also recommends GCC's study material and shares his success story with the future aspirants
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