
Описание к видео #140

Original: 幻想の地下大線路網 // The Great Fantastic Underground Railway Network (Touhou 18 - Unconnected Marketeers)
Circle & Arranger: Sound Holic & 709sec.
Lycrics & Vocals: Oto Itsuki & Hanatan (aka YURiCA)
Album: 虹 NIJI
Release Date: Reitaisai 20, 7th of May 2023
Image Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/897... by @ラプトル7

Buy the (physical) album here:

Guess who's back. I'm terribly sorry for my absence and I was really moved by you guys' comments on the post where I explained the issues I was - and still am - facing to a degree. Still, even though there's still a lotta things going on, overall I feel much better again. My psyche doesn't mess with me all day everyday anymore and so far, "only" my legs (especially my knees) and my back are hurting me. But I'm in physiotherapy for those and in psychotherapy for, well, the psychological component of my issues, so things are looking up again, I suppose.

And I'm finally on vacation, my fiancee and I'll leave for the Slovenian coast from Thursday August 1st to Wednesday, August 7th, and I really can't wait for some decidedly us-time. Not to mention seeing the sea again, going swimming and all of that. Ah, it's gonna be great.

Now, finally, let's get down to the track. Momoyo's set has been dragging on for way too long as is, so I hope you'll join me in enjoying some Synth-Hard-Rock courtesy of Sound Holic and arranged by 709sec. with lyrics by YURiCA (credited as Hanatan here). I think I voiced in the past that I just don't really jive with 709sec. as a singer. Now that I think about it, when he sings, 709sec. often gives the same vibe as the second Black Butler Opening by Gazette or Death Note's first opening by UVERWORLD. Now I don't mean to shit on either, but I just don't like the vocals?
But I like his arrangement work quite a bit. He has a very... anime-opening-esque style that just works. He often manages to make metal and hard rock feel fleeting, light and fresh but at the same time engaging, powerful and fun.

I'm also pretty impressed that he managed to make Momoyo's pretty, erm, unique stage theme into a truly enjoyable and very easy-to-listen-to track.

But back to the vocals; I was really glad that YURiCA lended her voice. She's a stable in the Touhou doujin music scene and delivers most of the time when she's asked to perform, and she does here too. Her voice is crisp and clear and she brings the power the vocals need to complement the Synth-Hard-Rock. So, hats off to her.

So, where does that leave us... I don't really have a favourite part of this track, like I said, it feels like an anime opening and I usually don't have a "yeah that's it" moment in most of them, but that doesn#t mean it's a bad track, very far from it. I'm also a bit rusty when it comes to analysing and voicing my thoughts, courtesy of not having done that for... a month!? Jesus freaking Christ.

But I'm back for today and maybe Wednesday if I don't get swamped up between my sister marrying, packing for the vacay and cleaning up the place before we leave.
If you won't hear from me Wednesday, I'll do my darnest to upload next Friday to finally close out Momoyo and get started on the next character :D

Thank you again for your kind words and until soon,


PS: I had to crop that imagine cause if you open the original, you'll see, *gasp*, a buttcrack and YouTube can't handle such explicit content.

All rights to the music, image and the original composition belong to their respective creators.


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