God Bless The Broken Road - cover

Описание к видео God Bless The Broken Road - cover

A while ago, I asked for song requests for covers and somebody requested this song. Such a beautiful & apt song for my season & this COVID-19 global pandemic situation. Who would have expected going into full time music and having all my gigs postponed? Something that no amount of creativity, work experience, skills or money can help with, something beyond my control. ⁣

Do I regret my decision to leave a source of stable income? ⁣

Not at all. I see an even clearer picture of what I want my music to do. I see this as opportunity to show love & kindness and I hope my music & story gives you that little bit of faith to press on through this long, windy, broken road. Know that all this adversity is part of a greater plan and we will get through this together! 😬⁣

Thankful for inspirational friends like @shaorenhao and @leejunweimarcus who have been walking this journey with me! ❤️


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