【谷岳探险记】《一路向北·两洋连线》vlog2 在北极圈内,如何用皮艇载摩托车过河?准备穿越无人区却忘带内裤

Описание к видео 【谷岳探险记】《一路向北·两洋连线》vlog2 在北极圈内,如何用皮艇载摩托车过河?准备穿越无人区却忘带内裤

一路向北两洋连线 VLOG 第2集 谷岳和阿纳托力在比利比诺寻找能载摩托车的橡皮艇,在超多的蚊子骚扰下二人试着把摩托车载到橡皮艇上,做出发前的最后准备,探索一座神奇的矿洞。
Kyle forgets to bring underwear on this trip and is too cheap to buy the US$10 boxers in Bilibino.  Anatoly and Kyle buy an inflatable raft and learn to place their motorcycles onto the raft in the river – it looks easier than done.  They load up and test rides to an abandoned mine and a surprise awaits them.

With two motorcycles and an inflatable raft, Anatoly (Russian) and Kyle (Chinese American) and plans to ride in one of the remotest areas on Earth, the northeastern-most region of Chukotka, Russia.   Before the trip, Kyle and Anatoly have never met in person.  Kyle doesn’t speak Russian while Anatoly’s English is very limited, together they will ride from the interior city of Bilibino to Pevek on the Arctic Ocean, then proceed to the town of Egvekinot on the Bering Strait.  With 1500 km of unpaved road, bears, mosquitoes, countless river crossings and often conflicting personalities - this is an adventure of a lifetime.

#Kyle #一路向北 #ArctictothePacific#跟着谷岳去旅行


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