Drone & Simple Science Behind It - ASTI Feynman Challenge 2021

Описание к видео Drone & Simple Science Behind It - ASTI Feynman Challenge 2021

Drone & Simple Science Behind It - ASTI Feynman Challenge 2021

We are sure that all of us know what drone is.
But, do you all know about how a drone can fly?🤔
What is the real concept that make it possible for a drone to fly?🤷🏻‍♂️
Here, we're gonna discuss about how a drone can fly, simply yet compactly.😉✨

0:27 - Drone History.
0:58 - Rotor Direction.
1:09 - How to keep the drone steady?
1:47 - Drone rotation.
2:17 - Relatation with momentum.
3:16 - Remote control.
3:32 - Drone's sophistications.
3:56 - How to change direction of your drone?
4:09 - Can we rotate the drone without creating problems?
4:29 - Conclusion.

We wish our video will help all of you guys to understand the concept of the drone.💓

That's all from us, enjoyyy!!!✨✨


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