Water for All - Inclusive Governance and Management in Agriculture

Описание к видео Water for All - Inclusive Governance and Management in Agriculture

At the heart of every thriving society lies equitable access to essential resources, water being paramount among them. As we navigate the realms of agricultural practices in the Asia-Pacific region, it becomes evident that the governance of water isn’t just about hydrology. In fact, it’s intertwined with societal structures and nuanced community dynamics.

Through this webinar, in partnership with Water Scarcity Program & NextGen, we aim to explore and emphasise the principles of inclusive water governance, understanding whose interests are prioritised and ensuring that policy decisions resonate with the lived realities of all stakeholders.

Speakers in this session include:
- Melita Grant, Institute of Sustainable Futures – University of Technology Sydney
- Stephen Hodgson, UN Food and Agriculture Organization
- Dubravka Bojic, UN Food and Agriculture Organization
- Caroline Turner, UN Food and Agriculture Organization
- Lucy Chilver, Australian Water Partnership

The Next Generation Water Management Policy Brief Series has been developed to inform policymakers about improved approaches to water management for agriculture and food security across Asia and the Pacific region.

This presentation is the third in the webinar series to hear from the authors of the briefs and learn about the impact of Gender Equality, Diversity and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) in water resource management, unfold the intricacies of water tenure arrangements and examine governance strategies promoting sustainable waterways in NENA region.


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