Surrey SEO and Digital Marketing

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Surrey SEO and Digital Marketing

You finally found us, my name is Pran and I am the CEO and Co-Owner here at Gen-Z Marketing. Welcome to Gen-Z Marketing guys Baba here and I am the CMO and also the Co-Owner of Gen-Z Marketing. 

Chances are you found us when you searched for “Surrey SEO” or “SEO Surrey” yes we are using our own SEO strategy to rank across the nation.

I like Surrey, lots of culture there, honestly it may not be as flashy as Vancouver but y'all have grit. That same principle applies to SEO in Surrey, it's not as expensive to rank compared to Vancouver due to a weaker SEO climate but the amount of searches, potential leads and revenue left on the table is fucking crazy. Baba is going to dive into how you can capture these leads using basic SEO.

Thanks for joining us today, feel free to get in touch with us if you want to talk about digital marketing or SEO in general.

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