Half Yearly Physics ICSE Class 9 | Physics Mid Term Class 9 ICSE |

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Half Yearly Physics ICSE Class 9 | Physics Mid Term Class 9 ICSE | ‪@sirtarunrupani‬

Syllabus Covered:
1. Measurements and Experimentation-
(i) International System of Units, the required SI units with correct symbols are given at the end of this syllabus. Other commonly used system of units - fps and cgs.
(ii) Measurements using common instruments, Vernier callipers and micro-metre screw gauge for length, and simple pendulum for time.
Measurement of length using, Vernier callipers and micro-metre screw gauge. Decreasing least-count leads to an increase in accuracy; least-count (LC) of Vernier callipers and screw gauge), zero error (basic idea), (no numerical problems on callipers and screw gauge), simple pendulum; time
period, frequency, graph of length l versus T2 only; slope of the graph. Formula [no derivation]. Only simple numerical problems.

2. Motion in One Dimension
Scalar and vector quantities, distance, speed, velocity, acceleration; graphs of distance-time and speed-time; equations of uniformly accelerated
motion with derivations. Examples of Scalar and vector quantities only,
rest and motion in one dimension; distance and displacement; speed and velocity; acceleration and retardation; distance-time and velocity-time
graphs; meaning of slope of the graphs; [Nonuniform acceleration excluded].
Equations to be derived: v = u + at; S = ut + ½at2; S = ½(u+v)t; v2 = u2 + 2aS.[Equation for Sn th is not included]. Simple numerical problems.

3. Laws of Motion
(i) Contact and non-contact forces; cgs & SI units.
Examples of contact forces (frictional force, normal reaction force, tension force as applied through strings and force exerted during collision) and non-contact forces (gravitational, electric and magnetic). General properties of non-contact forces. cgs and SI units of force and their relation with Gravitational units.
(ii) Newton’s First Law of Motion (qualitative discussion) introduction of the idea of inertia, mass and force. Newton's first law; statement and qualitative discussion; definitions of inertia and force from first law, examples of inertia as illustration of first law. (Inertial mass not
(iii)Newton’s Second Law of Motion (including F=ma); weight and mass.
Detailed study of the second law. Linear momentum, p = mv; change in momentum ∆p = ∆(mv) = m∆v for mass remaining constant,
rate of change of momentum; ∆ p/∆ t = m∆v /∆t = ma or
Simple numerical problems combining F = ∆p /∆t = ma and equations of motion.
Units of force - only cgs and SI.
(iv) Newton’s Third Law of Motion (qualitative discussion only); simple examples.
Statement with qualitative discussion; examples of action - reaction pairs, (FBA and FAB); action and reaction always act on different bodies.
(v) Gravitation
Universal Law of Gravitation. (Statement and equation) and its importance. Gravity, acceleration due to gravity, free fall. Weight and mass, Weight as force of gravity comparison of mass and weight; gravitational units of force, (Simple numerical problems), (problems on variation of gravity excluded)

4. Fluids
(i) Change of pressure with depth (including the formula p=hρg); Transmission of pressure in liquids; atmospheric pressure. Thrust and Pressure and their units; pressure exerted by a liquid column p = hρg; simple daily life examples, (i) broadness of the base of a dam, (ii) Diver’s suit etc. some consequences of p = hρg; transmission of pressure in liquids; Pascal's law; examples; atmospheric pressure; common manifestation and consequences. Variations of pressure with altitude, (qualitative only); applications such as weather forecasting and altimeter.
(Simple numerical problems)
(ii) Buoyancy, Archimedes’ Principle; floatation; relationship with density; relative density; determination of relative density of a solid. Buoyancy, upthrust (FB); definition; different cases, weight W of the body immersed; characteristic properties of upthrust; Archimedes’ principle; explanation
of cases where bodies with density the density ρ' of the fluid in which it is
Relative Density (RD) and Archimedes’ principle. Experimental determination of RD of a solid and liquid denser than water. Floatation: principle of floatation; relation between the density of a floating body, density of the liquid in which it is floating and the fraction of volume of the body immersed; (ρ1/ρ2 = V2/V1); apparent weight of floating object; application to ship, submarine, iceberg, balloons, etc. Simple numerical problems involving Archimedes’ principle, buoyancy and floatation.


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